Alerts in Cuba

Oropouche virus - Cuba

The Ministry of Public Health of Cuba confirmed the presence of cases of Oropouche fever, a viral disease transmitted by the midge _Culicoides paraensis_, that is present in the Americas Region, and by the _Culex quinquefasciatus_ mosquito, in the province of Santiago de Cuba. The official note indicated that after "actions for monitoring and surveillance of non-specific febrile syndromes in the province of Santiago de Cuba, the presence of Oropouche virus (OROV) was identified in 2 health areas of the municipalities of Santiago de Cuba (Ernesto Guevara) and Songo La Maya (Carlos J. Finlay), from samples tested in the Pedro Kourí Institute (IPK) reference laboratory." The Ministry of Health says that "all cases have progressed favorably with improvement of symptoms between the third and fourth day after the onset of the illness." The official source added that the clinical picture that manifests as a consequence of the disease is "mild, preceded by an incubation period of 5-7 days, characterized by fever, headaches, muscle and joint pain. Sometimes vomiting and diarrhea are also reported."


Dengue - Americas

During the year 2022, a significant increase in the number of dengue cases and deaths was observed in the Americas region compared to previous years. This behavior has continued in the first weeks of 2023 and, in some countries, it has become even more pronounced, resulting in an overload in health services.

Anguilla, Antigua y Barbuda, Aruba, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, El Salvador, Granada, Guadalupe, Guatemala, Haití, Honduras, Islas Bermudas, Islas Caimán, Islas Vírgenes (UK), Islas Vírgenes (US), Jamaica, Martinica, México, Montserrat, Nicaragua, Panamá, Puerto Rico, República Dominicana, Saint Kitts And Nevis, Saint Lucia, San Vicente y las Granadines, Trinidad y Tobago, Turks y Caicos